What's New

Dec. 26 2022Winter Holiday : Dec.29,2022 - Jan.4,2023Dec. 09 2022We have renewed our stock list !! ( We added a machinery )

Nov. 17 2022We have renewed our stock list !! ( We added 42 machinery )

Oct. 27 202234th KANEHARU BID was finished. Thank you for participating!

Oct. 26 202234th KANEHARU BID Bidding now ! We welcome your participation.

Oct. 17 202234th KANEHARU BID Preview(Start Price) Opening Now!

Oct. 03 202234th KANEHARU BID will open!Aug. 08 2022*Holiday Notice * 8/11-8/16

Jun. 29 2022We have renewed our stock list !! ( We added 32 machinery )

Jun. 23 202233rd KANEHARU BID was finished. Thank you for participating!